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  • Minnie8541

    Why in Myanmar is it so messy

    The problem in northern Myanmar is a legacy of history and the fundamental crux of Myanmar.Why is Myanmar drug trafficking, fraud, so chaotic? Because this place is beyond the central control of Myanmar.
    In fact, let alone control, even the impact is minimal, because the concept of "Myanmar" as a country is not ancient.After World War II, Britain let go, and the ministries of Myanmar discussed to save a country, the Bin Lung Agreement in 47, and Myanmar independence in 48. The most important thing here was this agreement.To understand the context of the northern Myanmar issue, there is a thing that cannot be avoided called the Bin Dragon Agreement.This is the root cause and legal principle of all the problems in northern Myanmar.The Bin Dragon Agreement was signed by the founding father of Myanmar (the father of Aung San Suu Kyi) with the leaders of several states, roughly meaning that the native states agreed to join Myanmar,They became a unified country, but these native states had the right to decide whether to remain in Myanmar later, and it was even written into Burma's constitution."Bin long agreement" soon after the signing of the lead of Aung hung.It was another year before the Burmese government was established.Then some Turkish states did not want to stay in Myanmar, wanted to gain independence, and went with the Bin Lung agreement to the Burmese government.The attitude of the Burmese government is: who signed the agreement. Thus, the war broke out.The first to jump is the area where Kerrenbang is the most fierce bottom on the Internet).Due to the gap in strength, the armed forces were soon divided into north and south, and the sphere of influence was gradually compressed.
    In fact, the Karen people have the same origin as the Burmese people, and both of the Chinese Qiang people moved south into the Myanmar region, but the Karen people entered earlier than the Burmese people.As a result, the Karen repeatedly invaded the Burmes