トーク情報シロノワール 削除されたユーザー削除されたユーザー 削除されたユーザーyes!I major in law.In the future, I'll establish a company. But,I don't decide how the company is. Do you have a dream?It seems difficult that your dream come true, but I hope you finally make your dream come true. Keep studying!
My dream? Yeah, I also have it.
My dream is that I'll ran my own restaurant which you can communicate with many foreigner. This is located to my hometown. That's my plan. Someday, I'll absolutely make it come true.シロノワール 削除されたユーザー削除されたユーザー 削除されたユーザーConsidering my situation,it's difficult to realize my dream. your dream is conclete so,you can realize it.個人的には、Considering使うなら、from入れるかな~
Considering from ~
Noooo way! You know this 名言?
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. I only hope that we don’t lose sight of one thing – that it was all started by a mouse.
by ウォルトディズニー
So, you absolutely can make it, if you believe yourself.シロノワール 厚切りジェイソン厚切りジェイソン 削除されたユーザージェイソン日本語勉強するときなんか覚えやすいようないい方法あった??これお勧めします!http://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%96%93%E9%9A%94%E5%8F%8D%E5%BE%A9