Girl, Interrupted
トーク情報- imugizora
imugizora The title is about all I can remember of it. I'm sure someone will know/have it. I just can't find it since apparently there's some scene in Paul Blart Mall Cop that features some old guy and therefore that's that all I can get with any combination of the title, old guy, I, fuckin, love, this and movie. I'm trying to show it to someone and not being able to find it is bothering me like crazy so thanks in advance to the people of /r/tipofmytongue!.
- imugizora
imugizora Almost none of the characters in this movie are memorable enough that I think most people will remember them by name so I’m just going to try to link a picture of them all the first time they’re mentioned. I think the lack of any memorable and developed characters is the main problem with the film so that’s mainly what I’m going to try to fix. **Intro** The opening scene where the Empire comes to capture [Galen Erso]( should be developed more..
- imugizora
imugizora *Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at [f4wonline]( and checking out the full archives.* --- **PREVIOUS YEARS ARCHIVE:** **[1991] ( • [1992](.
- imugizora
imugizora ⟱⇓⇩↓↡↡⬇↓▼⬇⬇⇓⇩↓⇩⇓⟱⟱↡↡⟱⇓↡⬇⇓⬇⇩↡↓↡
Girl, Interrupted: