
Synopsis: Almost four decades after they drew first blood, Sylvester Stallone is back as one of the greatest action heroes of all time, John Rambo. Now, Rambo must confront his past and unearth his ruthless combat skills to exact revenge in a final mission. A deadly journey of vengeance, RAMBO: LAST BLOOD marks the last chapter of the legendary series.

Rambo: Last Blood
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    It's taken almost 40 years but we finally have a sequel that is worthy of the survivalist cat-and-mouse drama that was 1982's "First Blood. We also have, for the very first time, a terrifying vision of a mentally disturbed and physically intimidating ex-Green Beret so accurate to the book that he may well have walked off the pages of David Morrell's "First Blood.

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    To say that this performance as Rambo is unlike anything Stallone has done before is an understatement. He has truly tapped into a dark place for this film, expressing a bottomless seething rage in Rambo that burns bright despite his age.

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    The relationship between Rambo and his niece is one of the most affecting and deliberately underplayed of the entire series, my only criticism being that we should have had more of it. The niece (Yvette Monreal) could have done with more screen time, indeed the "racism" card that a lot of critics are playing is based on that very issue. Both she and Rambo's house keeper seem at times little more than plot devices and triggers for the eventual rampage. Some have said that they are one dimensional characters, and that they play into racial stereotypes, but I disagree.

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    "Last Blood" is a very simple, direct narrative. It is quite frankly anti-high brow, it's characters have purpose and power and there is a lot left unsaid when it comes to context and back story. Even it's main character is drawn in this way. However I do not consider this a weakness.