
Some people refrain from watching foreign language films. I find myself paying more attention to the plot since I have to read what is being said. This is very beneficial to a film that demands your attention at every single moment, which this one does.

  • giridzumitsu

    info Greed and class discrimination threaten the newly formed symbiotic relationship between the wealthy Park family and the destitute Kim clan.

  • giridzumitsu

    I read a lot of rave reviews about this before I saw it. I also saw it on many "must see" lists the past month, so I thought, alright I'll watch it, and approached it with a "show me what you got" kind of attitude. It didn't take long before I realized that I was watching something incredibly different. In fact It is incomparable with anything I've ever seen before. It belongs and at the same time doesn't fit in in any kind of genre. It is as thrilling as the best parts of Gone Girl and is everything Jordan Peele's Us tried to be. I would say that this is the most divine work of cinema I've seen in many many years.

  • giridzumitsu

    Some people refrain from watching foreign language films. I find myself paying more attention to the plot since I have to read what is being said. This is very beneficial to a film that demands your attention at every single moment, which this one does.

  • giridzumitsu

    Parasite deserves a 10/10 because of the very simple reason that I wouldn't want to change a single second of it, everything had purpose. So watch it, I bet it will exceed any expectation you might have from reading all of these reviews.

  • giridzumitsu

    A very pleasant surprise of how to combine something mysterious, and something with great horror elements but keeping it light with perfect black humor and not to give away too much at any point. The movie has this soft tension build up all throughout story progression and never really settles down on one tone.

  • giridzumitsu

    Shortly after the start you kind of get the idea where things go, but you have no clue what is going to happen after that and how the protagonists are going to deal with the difficulties they are facing. The script was very cleverly written, makes you face a decision who you are rooting for. I could sympathize with either the "good guys" or the "bad guys" at any given point during the movie.

  • giridzumitsu

    This movie should be a great example to Hollywood how to write and direct an original title, this is a Korean gem that will go down as one of the best in its genre and category.