Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D
  • rekinkoze

    Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D Blu-ray (1991): Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong. The Terminator returns in this explosive action-adventure spectacle..

  • rekinkoze

    News - „Deadpool 2“ – Mediabook bei Amazon zur Vorbestellung Rochus: Leider momentan, wie das Steelbook auch, nicht zu bestellen!Sieht ganz so au. News - Neuer Comic-Con-Trailer zu "Phantastische Tierwesen 2" erschienen Rochus: Für mich ein bisschen "too much Special Effects" im Trailer, doch bin ich wei..

  • rekinkoze

    It has been 10 years since the events of Terminator. Sarah Connor's ordeal is only just beginning as she struggles to protect her son John, the future leader of the human resistance against the machines, from a new Terminator, sent back in time to eliminate John Connor while he's still a child..

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