Sicario 2: Chiến Binh Mexico
  • pisedokosa

    Focuses on Mexican cartels drug war against the u.s. borders and how they have implemented terrorist attacks into US soil to terrorize the country. We follow Benicio del Toro's and Josh brolin's characters into an amazing strategic plan and they have created to get back to the Mexican cartels but as these movies usually go they get a bumpy ride.

  • pisedokosa

    I mean what can I say about Benicio del Toro's performance in this movie, it's amazing what he has accomplished in his acting career and once again he shows how good of an actor he is. His performance in this film is growing and very investing as he shows us how character that previously lost all kind of human morality can regain it under the right circumstances. Josh Brolin is also amazing in this movie, he portrays his classic tough guy persona and I have no problem with it since he does it so well, the chemistry between and Benicio del Toro's is a very good one as they show they even though your heart is Stone certain scenarios can break their tendencies.

  • pisedokosa

    As I said before this is a great crime movie if not the best of the year and that genre and I highly recommend watching this flick.