  • furijikiya

    I'm Korean and one of the details most foreigners(and even Koreans) miss to mention is that those families were never like that poor/rich all the way through their life! The rich family's dad is introduced in several details as he started from the bottom - and became an icon for it(The term Ja-Su-Seong-Ga is mentioned repeatedly+His company is an IT/Tech sort of company which makes it more believable. In the poor family's house, you can see several items/details where they were far more wealthier before(not super rich, but just better off in general) just that the poor family's father had a failed business that lead this family into this poverty. Thoses family members aren't incompetant at all. Dad has several great skillsets, mom was a national level athlete, sister is good at art, and the son is educated enough to teach the rich sub-poor couple's husband even owned his own small business back in the day. You act like you were born with the class, in reality, you're just stationed into a system. Capital hierarchy blinds you into believing the wealthy deserves of their own class while the poor believes the same, respectiong and admiring the upperclass. loads of casualty without any villans.

  • furijikiya

    When Joon-ho asks Choi Why? it seems like he actually doesn't know why. He doesn't understand his own movie LOL! Genius.

  • furijikiya

    I love how Bong keeps asking Choi what he thinks like a teacher letting the student figure it out for themself.

  • furijikiya

    DEFINITELY Deserves those 2 Oscars go check it out in sub u wont regret it. As long as u have an IQ Above 50 and wont mind reading subtitles you'll love it.