
A film doesn't necessarily have to have a beginning or an end but The Dark Knight seemed like a bunch of stuff happening on screen for two and a half hours. My mind drifted occasionally and I began thinking about what I was going to get to eat afterwards.

The Dark Knight
  • pojiridoha

    Was a bit long winded but definitely kept me in suspense the whole way! Just go to the bathroom beforehand...

  • pojiridoha

    I thought The Dark Knight was a good film, not a great film. Straight away, Heath Ledger's Joker is the best character, sinister and captivating, but that is all that's really "great" about this film. It's a comic book adaption that is realistic... a realistic portrayal of a guy in a bat suit who's really a millionaire who uses a silly voice to avoid being detected by a whole city... isn't that a slight contradiction? Anyway Christian Bale is a really good actor and he does play his part well, Michael Caine comes on screen and annoys me every 20 minutes by doing his Michael Caine voice we all know and love him for. Morgan Freeman is just Morgan Freeman.

  • pojiridoha

    A film doesn't necessarily have to have a beginning or an end but The Dark Knight seemed like a bunch of stuff happening on screen for two and a half hours. My mind drifted occasionally and I began thinking about what I was going to get to eat afterwards.

  • pojiridoha

    If you're going to send me comments saying things like: but you didn't get it, argh! or anything else that suggests my OPINION is wrong, don't bother.