Black Panther
  • funakasei

    Ok overall I found this film boring. I have enjoyed most of the other Marvel superhero movies like Iron Man, Captain America etc. In all honesty this was the poorest one. I thought the actors were totally unbelievable, like they were in a high school play or something. The story was drawn out and could be condensed to half the duration of the film and the story was not interesting. The only character that was half believable was the villain. Such a shame because when we got a glimpse of Black Panther in Winter Solider, I so wanted to see this film.

  • funakasei

    I don't usually write reviews, but because this film has been hyped up to be a masterpiece, I felt like I had to chime in a lay waste to that claim. Even the kids in the cinema looked bored. I love many "black" movies, a lot of which are classics in my opinion and truly brilliant movies. This was not one of them. Blade (1997) for example urinates all over this film in every way. The pro critics have obviously felt pressured to give this rave reviews out of fear of being labelled racists by the social justice mob. I am not racist, the film is just poor.

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