
To continue, 10) there is talk of the "importance" of masturbating at work, 11) a man masturbating while drunk with a fake penis on-screen, 12) a woman showing her privates to her husband to tease him after a fight, 13)spouse abuse for wanting a divorce, and WAY more disgusting content!

The Wolf of Wall Street
  • zenromime

    1)500+ F words and other curses in-between,2) countless orgies(with more naked women than men) 3)objectification of women, 4)illegal drug use, 5)an adultery, 6)a butt candle scene,7) a character who married his cousin "because she grew hot" 8) and he also JOKES about dumping his baby out of a car if it were "retarded" 9) and seriously saying that he would give it to a home so he would not have to raise a challenged child.(This hurt as I had a challenged sister.)

  • zenromime

    To continue, 10) there is talk of the "importance" of masturbating at work, 11) a man masturbating while drunk with a fake penis on-screen, 12) a woman showing her privates to her husband to tease him after a fight, 13)spouse abuse for wanting a divorce, and WAY more disgusting content!

  • zenromime

    14) Jordan also says he would bang a certain woman even if it was his sister, just because she is highly attractive.(This leads to the adultery.)

  • zenromime

    15) Oh, and by the way, about 3 minutes in, after some brief off-screen oral sex, Leonardo DiCaprio BLOWS COCAINE DOWN A HOOKER'S BEHIND TO AROUSE HER! I am serious! My Grandma had to explain that to me-and I could have lived my whole life without knowing that information!

  • zenromime

    Yes-my Grandma saw half of this with me. She was also disgusted by the non-stop swearing and sexual perversions. I didn't really want her to see it, and I guess I should have known better than to watch this movie in the first place.

  • zenromime

    I knew about the profanity, but I was totally unaware of the fact that I was going to be watching a porno with a plot. I'm quite surprised that it's not Rated X, and I bet it's just because it has a plot and a famous director.

  • zenromime

    I have had a lot of teasing for hating this movie. In 11th grade, I was picked on for it, and at college/tech school, I told someone that I hated the adultery part, and he responded with "It's called *sex* we don't need your Christian PROPAGANDA! This has made me hate it more.

  • zenromime

    I know this is probably not what he meant, but he basically stated that it was okay to him since he was not religious. I don't care if you believe in God or not, can you really read what is in this "movie" and morally say this should be viewed for entertainment value? Our bare skin is called "private parts" for a reason, so why show it consistently?