
I am extremely disgusted by the fact that this movie contains so many homophobic subliminal messages. They try to balance it out with small frictions of scenes where they show support for the LGBT community, but the fact is it's not balanced out at all. The scenes where they show support towards LGBT community is so disguised that barely you can even see it or recognise it, unlike the violence parts which are extremely explicit and shown all the way. The scenes where homophobia is displayed and encouraged are far bigger then the opposite ones. When you look at the plot it self, of course out of all of the possible characters only the ones that are shown to be in touch with their sensitive side or that are shown to be gay, end up being either dead or in eternal sadness. What normal message can a young gay person get out of this kind of movie? I'm extremely disappointed that Hollywood is producing such movies in 2019 which are doing no good to LGBT community what so ever. I am also truly disappointed in all of the actors that played roles in this movie giving their support to it as well. I truly hope people will open their eyes and see how many bad subliminal messages this movie is showcasing to millions and millions of people. The only people that end up happy in this movie are of course the straight people, where the other ones end up dealing with either great loss or terrible death. Wake up people! Don't show support for movies that are undoing all of the positive work that has been done for LGBT community.

It Chapter Two
  • endenda

    I literally made an imdb account just to write this review. This movie is trash and a disgrace to the book. I'm watching for the second time with my husband and realizing I made a huge mistake. The cast is great, but the way the characters are written is absolutely shameful. Ben's whole purpose in this film is to be in love with Beverly. That's about as deep as his character goes which is sad because he's so well rounded in the book. The CGI is terrible and there are so many bad jump scares it's almost hilarious. Bowers' character is completely pointless. And wtf was up with the ritual of chud? It's like the writers forgot what happened in the book and, instead of referring back to the source material, just pulled some things out of their backs. If you have read the book, you will HATE this movie. You're better off watching the miniseries.

  • endenda

    I gave this film two stars because Bill Skarsgaard and the rest of the cast (based on other films) is amazing.

  • endenda

    Chapter 2, wasn't the best. Chapter 1 was way better. The film dragged a lot. The CGI was rushed and unrealistic, the film was a disappointment in comparison to Chapter 1. The storyline was quite confusing too maybe it was just me but the "Deadlights" I was unsure the origin and how the lights created Pennywise.

  • endenda

    I am extremely disgusted by the fact that this movie contains so many homophobic subliminal messages. They try to balance it out with small frictions of scenes where they show support for the LGBT community, but the fact is it's not balanced out at all. The scenes where they show support towards LGBT community is so disguised that barely you can even see it or recognise it, unlike the violence parts which are extremely explicit and shown all the way. The scenes where homophobia is displayed and encouraged are far bigger then the opposite ones. When you look at the plot it self, of course out of all of the possible characters only the ones that are shown to be in touch with their sensitive side or that are shown to be gay, end up being either dead or in eternal sadness. What normal message can a young gay person get out of this kind of movie? I'm extremely disappointed that Hollywood is producing such movies in 2019 which are doing no good to LGBT community what so ever. I am also truly disappointed in all of the actors that played roles in this movie giving their support to it as well. I truly hope people will open their eyes and see how many bad subliminal messages this movie is showcasing to millions and millions of people. The only people that end up happy in this movie are of course the straight people, where the other ones end up dealing with either great loss or terrible death. Wake up people! Don't show support for movies that are undoing all of the positive work that has been done for LGBT community.