Buster's Mal Heart
トーク情報- rairaigi
rairaigi crimson heart mal moore [No Spoilers] "Buster's Mal Heart" is available for on demand streaming. Enjoy! Fellow night auditors, have you seen this movie? I found the main character's developing psychosis from night shifts to be extremely relatable, up to the plot twists of course. A few nights after I watched it, I was cleaning our pool with a skimmer and I cracked up because I looked and felt like the protagonist. I then started laughing hysterically at the thought of someone seeing me laughing alone in an echoey pool room. Every aspect of my job I now compare to this movie. Are there any othe..
- rairaigi
rairaigi Buster's Mal Heart | Short Take Review "Buster's Mal Heart" amp Night Auditing Buster's Mal Heart (2017) [864 x 1280] Watched it the other night and did some research. Said that the script included illustrations so that it read like a short story. Very weird avant-garde film I'd like to know how you write that kind of thing as a script..
- rairaigi
rairaigi *Just to get this out of the way: This is gonna contain nonspecific spoilers for Buster's Mal Heart Hey guys. So I recently saw Buster's Mal Heart and wanted to ask others who have analyzed the hell out of the two if the alternate timeline/reality glitch thing + nonexistent/imaginary(?) nameless sysadmin grifter dude + Y2K/Inversion/0 divided by 0 = infinity concepts in BMH were related to what was being hinted at by the whole WhiteRose-Angela/Washington Township Plant stuff? It was mentioned..
- rairaigi
rairaigi ↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼↓▼
Buster's Mal Heart: https://mlnkor.com/moviesall?source=7gogo_jp&se=2018_07_22&keyword=Buster%27s+Mal+Heart