  • hikisendo

    15:43 hmmm, so his loaded die always lands on five. cut to the hotel level he's doing the tumble fight on, and its on floor 5. you can see the numbers clearly on the wall behind him, wowzers.

  • hikisendo

    Growing up I could watch movies like this 3 ways to Sunday, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, all the great ones. Heroes had there place. After being on the front lines with the real true heroes. I'm tearing up after a few minutes and cant bare to watch any more.

  • hikisendo

    I watched it again last night, and I had to come here. Seriously, this is the GOOD STUFF if you want to tickle your mind. Still a masterpiece.

  • hikisendo

    Wait a minute. If Cobb was able to plant the idea in her mind that her world wasn't real, couldn't he just put her sleep again once she came back to reality and go back and stop the top from spinning? He could have saved her! Yeah, I know, the idea spread like a cancer, but I think he should have at least tried to do something like that, right.