The Matrix
  • shisabanme

    Note: It is difficult to understand the film in first see. A must see film if you are bored by same daily routine films. A brainteaser for audiences force them to think.I don't know why all three installments of Matrix are having below 9 ratings. Actually there is no flaw in all these films. A evergreen script and action scenes you will watch over and over again! I liked this movie as it specifically meant us to think how the things act internally of computer literally. Also I come across the observation that the colors used for filming the particular is not for fun but they have given it meaning like: The green color indicates the scenes inside the matrix, white color shows that the purity of the soul like scenes of sati, oracle. etc. Those who haven't still watched it, just download three parts and take a ride.

  • shisabanme

    I gave it a 10 because if you were lucky enough to see this in was a treat, it was what going to the movies should be about. A Sci-Fi movie that gets your mind racing, with action and depth in the leaves you totally satisfied at the end.

  • shisabanme

    The movie is set in a future where A.I has taken over the world from humans, the only reason they were not totally eradicated was because they need us for a power supply as the sun has been blocked out (by chem trails) Humans grow in incubators, our body heat converts to electricity in mega storage facilities were 100's of thousands of humans are stored. They're brains are hooked up to virtual worlds, where they go through the daily grind as per usual, having no idea about the alternate and true reality.

  • shisabanme

    There is one last population of non battery human, they live miles under the surface in an underground fortress city called Zion. They're mission is to rescue more humans and protect Zion. They do this with an Army / Navy of soldiers. 1 captain Morpheous believes there will be a messiah to come and save them all. From there the story takes off.

  • shisabanme

    I highly recommend this move, it's action scenes were cutting edge in 1999, kung-fu fights, gun fights, cgi, it has everything.