A War: https://mlnkor.com/moviesall?source=7gogo_jp&se=2018_07_31&keyword=A+War
A War
トーク情報- goyamaguchi
goyamaguchi #Introduction The Archbishop of Canterbury that oversaw Edward VIII’s rule of a United Kingdom, Cosmo Gordon Lang, was vehemently opposed to his behaviour. His opposition to Wallis Simpson and the King’s right-wing beliefs caused the political opposition that directly led to the start of the Civil War. The creation of a fascist government was the tipping point for the Church. As soon as the United Kingdom was shattered, he and the Lords Spiritual declared that the King was unfit to serve - lead..
- goyamaguchi
goyamaguchi [History] A war veteran sells matches on the street, in Canterbury, Kent. England - Circa. 1930.
- goyamaguchi
goyamaguchi b Isn't it a war crime to use locals as human shields? Footage from Afghanistan 2012 u/PhilosoGuido has a brilliant and much better idea of how to deal with Iran than our failed president could think of. ""But that will start a war," says the cowardly Leftist. I doubt it.". "We are literally engaged in a war with an enemy that will stop at nothing, who holds nothing sacred. We either call them out at every turn, our they will destroy everything that is sacred." TRPer discusses the movie Rio.
- goyamaguchi
goyamaguchi ⇩⟱⬇⟱↡⟱⇩⬇↡↡⟱⬇⟱⟱▼⟱⟱⇩↓⟱▼⇓⇩⇓↡
A War: https://mlnkor.com/moviesall?source=7gogo_jp&se=2018_07_31&keyword=A+War