トーク情報- runiwarimo
runiwarimo Too bad this was scripted. I would have enjoyed hearing her answers unprepared with the questions beforehand.
- runiwarimo
runiwarimo We are one of the few that don't overload your project is, thereby let users to watch any video without ads and sending SMS messages, which is often used by cyber criminals in order to capitalize on unsuspecting citizens.
- runiwarimo
runiwarimo Looks like yet another feminist movie we have all been inundated with in the last 3 years, give it a rest. seems like the truth has been stretched here. All this coming from the scum left hollyweird who idolize satin in all his forms. Just listen to the gross disturbing song playing at the end of a child singing about sexual situations, all the media and radio stations prop her up as hero and role model for our young women. And we are supposed to listen to them guide us on what's right and wrong. No thanks. p.s. the whole situation at fox was a group of slutty worldly skanks who use their body's to manipulate their way up the ranks and then act shocked and play the victim to cash in on a rich corporation. No one is fooled no matter how you spin it and no one really believe they were victims. Trash.