The Phantom of the Opera at th
  • boshinreba

    This singer is annoying. First, her presentation confuses my senses. My ears want me to concentrate on her Siren-esk voice but my eyes insist I totally focus on her gorgeous face. Second, she selfish with my time. Watching her I enter a zombie-like trance and am unable to move or get anything done until she's finished. Finally, she makes flawless performances seem effortless which is the opposite of the truth, and I don't like dishonesty! So irritating on so many levels.

  • boshinreba

    I saw the play on Broadway when I was seven because my sister was obsessed with the movie, so my parents took us both out to New York to see it. My sister had forced me to watch the movie a million times so I wasn't that interested in the play version, and I fell asleep in the theater right after the chandelier fell (In the broadway version, the chandelier falls right after the scene on the rooftop. I always regretted it so much. I missed just about everything in the middle of the play. Yesterday, I went to New York with my grade, and when everyone else left, my mom, my friend, and my friend's mom all went to go see the play on Broadway again. It was incredible. I was amazed at every aspect of the thrilling drama. it was magical and beautiful, and it now holds a special place in my heart. Bravo 👏.

  • boshinreba

    Just got done watching love never dies. This dude will always be the phantom in my eyes. His voice gives me goose bumps.