  • nebachibaka

    We are one of the few that don't overload your project is, thereby let users to watch any video without ads and sending SMS messages, which is often used by cyber criminals in order to capitalize on unsuspecting citizens.

  • nebachibaka

    Get it? Everyone voted for Reagan (TWICE. then made fun of him for eight years, and only now are people beginning to realize what a phenomenal president he was. I SAY, reading these lackey pooh-pooh reviews that slam Cameron for his ego, slam the script, and slam DiCaprio, that you all are just repeating history. You can't stand it when a truly GREAT cinematic opera is placed before you. Go ahead, pan it now that the 'hype' is all over! Shoot the wounded! Have your fun.

  • nebachibaka

    Because history will cast 'Titanic' in it's true form - a modern day operatic romance (for the ladies and girls) telling the historically accurate tale of the famed ship (for the guys) by weaving created characters through the events that changed the modern world at the time.

  • nebachibaka

    Don't like DiCaprio. Go get a job acting and do better! Winslet's boobies and sex scene immoral. DON'T WATCH IT THEN! Cameron's ego. You are just jealous of his bank account. The man oozes talent! Cheezy lines. Find a movie without them. Or better yet, then YOU try to write one without them! Oh, and everyone else gets to judge your work! So shut up if don't like Titanic (now. You did then, and your grandchildren will later. DEAL!