Thor: Ragnarok
  • bishingoshi

    Even the VERY cliched use of Cate Blanchett. what a supreme waste of talent. she was nothing more than a Sauron-ized version of Galadriel in this.

  • bishingoshi

    Even the CGI. so very cheezy! The worst was the iconized Odin and the even worse Gladiator sequence between Thor and The Hulk.

  • bishingoshi

    It seemed to me that this director - or was it someone else's fault. simply stole the best bit from numerous other superbly done classics and hashed them together in this hot mess.

  • bishingoshi

    Sorry, but A Major Disappointment. I will not longer continue with the Star Trek reboot, the latest Star Wars and now Thor. This is what you get from a generation which has no roots in the classics - American, English and World - and who can't even manage cursive writing because it "is a waste of time. br>

  • bishingoshi

    The only bigger waste of time I can envision is sitting through the 'new' version of "A Star is Born" due out later this year. A Rhodes scholar and the most amazing vocal and creative talent of the 20th Century are cookie-cutted by an excruciatingly 2-D offering. Barbra Streisand had the chops to step into the shoes of Judy Garland and create an enervating NEW and fresh version of a Hollywood classic. Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga only manage to pull off what was offered here in "Thor: Ragarok. a pale, insipid and very weak imitation of Hollywood ART - I am not even going to hope for sublime. Passable even.

  • bishingoshi

    ITS like Salvador dali directed it? What the? Thors soundtrack is cool and the rest is at times amusing but generally all over the place & a huge downfall for hulk.