TCM: West Side Story
トーク情報- emamutose
emamutose I welcome the new year with my offering of Blessed are the Simple XXX, or, “I Crave Donuts and Meat. Send Help.” My cravings aside, I'm hoping I can finally get the story rolling. I'm sure some of you have been wondering what some of these developments mean. Well, all I can say is, KEEP READING TO FIND OUT! Or something like that. Did anyone else think that there's been a lot of violence in the story lately? (That's what happens when you have a war, you silly bird.) Anyway, let's get on with it!..
- emamutose
emamutose ↓↡⟱⇩⇓▼↓↓⇓⬇▼↡⬇⟱⇓⇓⇩↓⟱⬇▼⬇⟱↓⟱⇓⇩↡⬇
TCM: West Side Story: