Tall: The American Skyscraper
トーク情報- rinakatori
rinakatori is and in to a was not you i of it the be he his but for are this that by on at they with which she or from had we will have an what been one if would who has her there two can al.
- rinakatori
rinakatori Tall traces the experiments of the early skyscraper architects, especially Louis Sullivan,. TALL: The American Skyscraper and Louis Sullivan 2pm @ IU Fine Arts
- rinakatori
rinakatori ⇓⇓↡↡⇩▼⬇⇓▼▼⟱↡⬇⇩↡↓▼↓⬇⬇↓▼⇓⟱⇓⟱⬇⇓⟱↓▼⟱⬇⇩
Tall: The American Skyscraper and Louis Sullivan: http://j.mp/2MdE7d5