
Once you get over the amazing and totally surprising and awesome fact that it's an allegory about class inequality in our world, etfuckingcetera, the movie pretty much sucks.

  • futawayake

    I wanted to see this because it got great reviews. My friend wanted to see "The Room" at the same time at our awesome Tucson theatre The Loft. The Room is considered the worst movie ever made and has spawned a cult following and interactive screenings that involve screaming at the camera man to focus, and throwing spoons. I didn't get to enjoy that because I cleverly thought, why go see a bad movie for 9 when I can see a great movie for 9? Boy was I wrong!

  • futawayake

    First off, I KNOW IT'S AN ALLEGORY (people here who loved this movie seem to wave this around like it somehow saves it from how sucky it is. I'm not stupid. In fact, viewers are hammered over the head with the idea that it's an allegory so constantly, it's like the movie was made so that a high school film class elective would have a really good example of allegory in a movie.

  • futawayake

    Once you get over the amazing and totally surprising and awesome fact that it's an allegory about class inequality in our world, etfuckingcetera, the movie pretty much sucks.

  • futawayake

    1. The acting is horrible- maybe not as bad as in "The Room" but really pretty bad. The only good role is the young Asian girl - but really all she has to do is quietly say scary things once in a while and look a little freakish.

  • futawayake

    2. The dialogue is worse than the acting. There are far too many times when characters are literally just saying stuff to explain things to stupid people in the audience. As much as I HATE narration in a movie - it would have been better than having characters narrate without supposedly narrating.