
Directed by Todd Phillips, Joker" supplants itself into its grungy setting of 1980s Gotham (very much modeled after New York City) complete with overflowing garbage and "super rats. The swooping cinematography by Lawrence Sher highlights the grimy claustrophobia and the unrelenting score by Hildur Guðnadóttir never allows for a moment of levity. You're fully immersed within the cesspool that the city has become.

  • gasankai

    Besides the technicals brilliantly setting the scene, they also lend their hand to the making of some suspenseful and terrifying sequences of shocking violence. These acts are incredibly tough to watch and become even harder when you factor in Phoenix's no holds barred performance.

  • gasankai

    Phillips very blatantly takes some influence (that's the polite way of saying it) from Martin Scorsese's great works of "Taxi Driver" and "The King of Comedy. The structure of the story and a few key scenes look and feel ripped right out of those classics.

  • gasankai

    While Scorsese is the master to take after, the whole thing here feels like a self-indulgent exercise by Phillips to make himself out to be a real auteur and not just the guy who made "The Hangover" trilogy. There's an aura of artiness that is coated on to imitate the feeling of thematic depth while offering little under the surface.

  • gasankai

    Despite being about the most famous comic book villain of all time, Joker" doesn't follow the usual narrative track. There are some winks and nods that keep it connected to the Batman universe, but the story is solely focused on our central character and his mad descent.

  • gasankai

    Phillips and co-writer stray away from the previous model that never allowed for comic book movies to address societal issues. They plunge headfirst into dissecting the issues of mental health and class warfare.

  • gasankai

    The pair deserve some praise for their efforts, but these attempts at making statements are both too unoriginal and handled with too little nuance. Throughout the film, the only message that sticks out is that society and people are terrible, and are capable of bringing us down despite our best efforts.

  • gasankai

    It's a grand statement, but one that's so over-simplistic and devoid of depth that it ends up meaning nothing. It's merely a statement of facts that everyone has figured out throughout their life and has seen in better movies before.

  • gasankai

    Taking over the role after the character's worst rendition by Jared Leto in "Suicide Squad" Joaquin Phoenix is brilliant and downright terrifying as the clown prince of crime. From his maniacal laugh, contorted body movements, and rubbery facial expressions, Phoenix commands each scene and elevates some of the film's follies.

  • gasankai

    It reminds one of his equally brilliant performance as Freddy Quell in "The Master" only this time the crazy has been dialed to the max. You can never look away from him as he fills the entire frame. And you also never want to look away as he keeps you on the edge of your seat.