
Description: Dominic Cobb is the foremost practitioner of the artistic science of extraction, inserting oneself into a subject's dreams to obtain hidden information without the subject knowing, a concept taught to him by his professor father-in-law, Dr. Stephen Miles. Dom's associates are Miles' former students, who Dom requires as he has given up being the dream architect for reasons he won't disclose. Dom's primary associate, Arthur, believes it has something to do with Dom's deceased wife, Mal, who often figures prominently and violently in those dreams, or Dom's want to "go home" (get back to his own reality, which includes two young children). Dom's work is generally in corporate espionage. As the subjects don't want the information to get into the wrong hands, the clients have zero tolerance for failure. Dom is also a wanted man, as many of his past subjects have learned what Dom has done to them. One of those subjects, Mr. Saito, offers Dom a job he can't refuse: to take the concept one step further into inception, namely planting thoughts into the subject's dreams without them knowing. Inception can fundamentally alter that person as a being. Saito's target is Robert Michael Fischer, the heir to an energy business empire, which has the potential to rule the world if continued on the current trajectory. Beyond the complex logistics of the dream architecture of the case and some unknowns concerning Fischer, the biggest obstacles in success for the team become worrying about one aspect of inception which Cobb fails to disclose to the other team members prior to the job, and Cobb's newest associate Ariadne's belief that Cobb's own subconscious, especially as it relates to Mal, may be taking over what happens in the dreams;

  • dennatachi

    It's a trick that seems to have worked on most people as they wander out of the cinema like wide eyed happy zombies, eager to write their adoring review on IMDb and give praise to Christopher Nolan who has now basically attained to them the status of God, but it doesn't work on me. I don't know why, but for some reason the idea that this film is a mesmeric piece of shimmering cinematic brilliance hasn't been 'incepted' into my mind.

  • dennatachi

    Actually I do know why. It's because it isn't a mesmeric piece of shimmering cinematic brilliance it's two and a half hours of sheer unadulterated boredom. There's no character development. The drama is unengaging. The action sequences are bizarrely devoid of tension. It's uninvolving. The characters waffle on and I don't care what they're saying. The gunfight sequences are tedious. The enemy characters frequently fire bursts of rounds but never manage to hit anyone despite ample opportunities. How many times does Nolan think it's a great idea to show a character floating around in a hotel corridor while fighting 'projections' And someone please tell him that he can't prove to the world he's made the best film ever by going Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! over and over again. Except apparently he can.

  • dennatachi

    The basic idea has the potential to make the stunning film so many people think it is, but Nolan wastes the opportunity with a dull storyline. Getting a business man to split up his company? Is that the most exciting thing he could think of? Couldn't he get a president to decide to launch a nuclear attack or something? Did it have to be something so mundane? And he weighs down the film with an abundance of under developed material and fails to create any sense of danger in the fights.

  • dennatachi

    Why does everyone think this film is SO good? People don't seem to be able to tell the difference between a film that tries to be fantastic but fails, and a film that is fantastic.

  • dennatachi

    We could just say that this movie can't be true! But the natural feelings we feel in the dream are like the real experience in Life! As shown in the movie that we don't remember the real life in dream and after we wake up from falling from the Mountain or Waterfall or a Skyscraper is true we seriously don't remember what happened and we try to remember it and could only generate some frames of the dream! Great Movie! This is like a theory for me... I just seriously don't know how to get many people in a same dream but the movie depicts the reality! I would watch this movie hundreds of time without getting bored! The movie is different then MATRIX, please we should not Movie worth to watch it...

  • dennatachi

    Visually interesting and innovative, yet pretentious. It has an excellent cast with great performances. The complexity of its story works perfectly in the way of confusing us. It's easy to think that something that we don't fully understand is great. It's easy to see how so many people liked the film so much. There are plenty of alleged subtleties and symbols which the fans are so eager to comment. Everyone can write a script that is complex. It only needs not be completely logic.