The Irishman
  • gakugiata

    This very high rating is merely the hagiography of well versed genre characters not too dissimilar from fanboys cheering on another bad film franchise sequel.

  • gakugiata

    Nobody should be able to get away with over 3 hours of film making, it shouldn't matter if you have 36 Oscars on the shelf, consumers have been long conditioned by a format of story telling that needs things resolved in half the time. Producers are being as undisciplined and vain as Hoffa by refusing these facts.

  • gakugiata

    Drawn out sequences to illustrate the moral tale is tedious. We know that evil doesn't prosper in life and art. We know that young men become old and we know that families are collateral damage which was a fairly unexplored opportunity which writers didn't do well with.

  • gakugiata

    Ironic that DeNiro has become a bit of an activist himself later in life, there's nothing more belittling than a privileged actor telling us how to think.

  • gakugiata

    One nice observation from the film is how easily trade unions are corrupted from within, all around the western world. They do not have the same checks and balances that state and federal governments have, watching this on the big screen was an educative silver lining.