Rock Dog
  • chimenrin

    The property listed below has been determined to be abandoned or unclaimed property in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Included with the description of the property is the location where the property.. Hey mau5lozer5 [✖‿✖] How are you doing? How do you guys feel now that it's been a full week since Marshmello got a song in the top 20 of the Billboard Hot 100? You knew this day would come, and it did. Now you can all go cry yourselves to sleep and you should. Yeah this is what that shitty toxic rodent deserves for all his hostility. He picks on The Baesmokers and they get huge and get lots of hits, and now the same is happening to my Marshyboy. He found peace in all of Joel's violence and Jo..

  • chimenrin

    RE: Censorship Day and SOPA, the counter argument from a pornographer's perspective **FUCK ME GAYS !!!** ampgt; [**FUCK ME GAYS !!!** ampgt;] ( ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp; ampamp;nbsp;..