Zombieland: Double Tap
トーク情報- heigoyaku
heigoyaku Wow. I feel like someone took a shotgun to my head. I was a big fan of the first film, and after ten years to come up with a passable script this was nothing but a lazy copy and paste. Nothing was original, all the new cast was aggravating as hell, and my zombie-loving friend and I actually walked out of the theater towards the end. What a waste.
- heigoyaku
heigoyaku I watched the first one from 10years ago the day before i went to see the new one. The original one definetly hasnt aged well due to the sheer amount of zombie-movies that came out since then so my expectations wherent that high. But i was in for a suprise, this movie did entertaine me, funny (inside)jokes and a lot of funny action, i left the theather with a grin on my face and even a highlight from the first movie successfully made it into this sequel. this movie might not be for everyone but definetly for the fans of the genre.