Frozen II
  • dodeikazu

    Evan Rachel Wood used to, and still does, sing Disney lullabies for her son. Now she has her very own lullaby to sing to him.

  • dodeikazu

    I will start from four things I love about Frozen II : Beautiful animation (what else do you expect from Disney? Of course, the animation is top-notch quality, no doubt about it) Elsa becomes much more cool than before (give a lot of appreciation for the costume designer, I love when they give pants for Elsa and Anna) the growth of Anna's character (In Frozen I, I found Anna was so annoying and not so bright for the brain but here she grows into somewhat stronger and smarter in Frozen II) and Olaf becomes less annoying than before (and more gloomy?haha.

  • dodeikazu

    For the things I don't like : THE STORY (sorry pal, it was rushed & jumbled all over the places. I was so confused and unimpressed on how the plot brought up. It's hard for me to feel sympathy to the characters or moved by it. I don't even feel sad for the sad part let alone cry. It kinds of regrettable because the story might had some potential in it if only you put more focus on several parts of the story and cut unnecessary stuffs. Not tried to put and pack everything in 1 movie. So many plot holes, unexplained scenes, some might find it hard to follow up the story) Kristoff becomes a drama-boy who seemed only concern about his love life and put other matters aside, and last but not least THE MUSIC. Nothing really good or memorable, even for the lyrics. It is just so ordinary and forgettable.