Some Like It Hot
トーク情報- sukumachika
sukumachika Hello, potential summoner! Sorry, I mean potential payer-PLAYER! Hellooooo potential player!! Are you sick and tired of having to drop an exorbitant amount of money on an EA exclusive, just to have microtransactions shoved down your throat like an albino Yordle having his way with you? Does seeing virtual currency in your videogame make you gag and return your jewel-case collector's edition box back to mom? Look no further than *the* MOBA game with worldwide acclaim, # League! Of! Legends! D..
- sukumachika
sukumachika *Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at [f4wonline]( and checking out the full archives.* --- **PREVIOUS YEARS ARCHIVE:** **[1991] ( • [1992](.
- sukumachika
sukumachika Hi Guys, Sorry it’s taken a while to get this posted up. I’ve been busy chasing leads with US missing persons. I won’t waste more of your time. Log is below. If you have any information then please send it my way. Thanks for your help guys, it means a lot. [Part 1]( [Part 2]( [Part 3]( [Part 4]( [Part 5]( [Part 7]( [Part 8]( [..