トーク情報- harisamame
harisamame Sadly in "Rising High" it often seems like the producers took pieces of other movies and puzzled them randomly all together. For example the Montage-Scenes: they have been way too unspectacular to level up the movie. The Renovation scene for example had much more potential, when it would have been filmed way more dynamic.
- harisamame
harisamame The narrative structure had a big "Who am I" vibe. While in that movie all the backdrops do have a use for the story, here it clearly doesn't. In the end, it only left's questions on the viewers mind, like what the hell is that journalist even for?
- harisamame
harisamame Summed up "Rising High" is a nice movie to dabble in. Yes, here hasn't been created anything new, but when it comes down to German movies all there is: little steps are better than none.
- harisamame
harisamame What is the point of this misfire? Poor cousin of much better American movies. One can almost point to sources scene by scene. For anybody remotely familiar with reslities of modern Germany painful to watch.
- harisamame
harisamame Für mich die erste. Bewertung mit der ich mit Robert Hofmann nicht konform gehe. Ich liebe seine Reviews. Verstehe die Punkte Bewertung jedoch überhaupt nicht. Für mich klar 8/8 Punkte. Trotzdem danke Robert Hofmann. Klasse Kanal.