Black Panther
  • pakumenki

    This has to be the most Overhyped Movie I've seen this Year many saying this was the Best Superhero Movie, which felt like a pretty Bold Statement, but Therfore i was intrigued to see what all the Hype was about an. Boy was this Movie a Huge Letdown, now I really wanted to Like this Movie Black Panther was one of the best parts of Civil War an i was looking forward to where they'd take his character and they did Nothing with his Character he already had a Great Arc in Civil War as a Side Character yet somehow in his own Movie he feels Bland and That's the worst thing a Marvel Character can be cause they make Great Choices with the Actors that can Elevate the Material there Given, Chadwick Boseman who is a Great Actor was not good in this an I hate to say that cause his Scene in Civil War was some of the Best Acting I'd seen in a Marvel Movie, so for his First Solo Movie to be so Plain and feels empty which Sucks cause each Marvel Movie has a Distinct Tone an Vision the Director Brings, but Ryan Coogler who made Creed which is so Much Better than its Deserves to be, has made a Movie that feels like it has No Personality, its up there with Dr Strange or Ant-Man in terms of Style an even those Movies had Creative Action Scenes which all the Marvel Movies have done a pretty Great Job delivering, the Action in this besides a pretty Cool Car Chase which is elevated by the Music, any other action scene was Very Poorly handled from Terrible CGI and its not like the Movie doesn't have the Budget they just half-assed it when it came to the Action, Each Marvel Movie before has done a Good job with being Fun Popcorn that'll entertain, but this is one of the least Entertaining Movies they've put out in a while it was Boring in parts an that's the worst thing these Movies can be is Boring cause if the Action Sucks than the only thing you can Enjoy is the Story an Character's, Before seeing this I'd heard comparisons to Game of Thrones, and James Bond, besides the Normal Outsider