Code 8
トーク情報- tsumushifure
tsumushifure However, as machines replace workers, the potential safety hazards of the superpowers themselves have caused people to be vigilant, discriminated, and excluded, and even new drugs made from the spinal fluid of superpowers have appeared, and the use of superpowers needs to be submitted. The story of "Code 8" took place in modern times. In order to save the seriously ill mother, a powerful but impoverished superpower does not hesitate to rob the bank and the stolen goods seized by the police.
- tsumushifure
tsumushifure The movie had so much potential. Good plot line, the story has a good development and interesting powers and view over super heroes. The end disappointed me so much, the main character did all of his errands to finish as poor as he was in the beginning of the movie, without his mother and with the police on his back. He did it all of nothing then...