Jojo Rabbit
  • danseiwa

    If you're going to make a movie about the Nazis, you better make sure it's going to be good. Multiply that rule by infinity if you're going to make it a comedy.

  • danseiwa

    Because of this strict rule, only a select few have been able to take the greatest human atrocity of the modern era and turn it into a joke. Charlie Chaplin did it in 1940 with "The Great Dictator" although he wasn't fully aware of the horrors) followed by Roberto Benigni with "Life is Beautiful" in 1998. Now in 2019, Taika Waititi has added his name to that illustrious list with his newest film, Jojo Rabbit.

  • danseiwa

    Set in the waning months of World War II, this "anti-hate satire" follows the life of Jojo Betzler, a young boy growing up in the Hitler Youth. His patriotism runs so high Adolf Hitler himself acts as his imaginary friend. One day, Jojo discovers that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl named Elsa in their walls. This bewilders the boy, putting him in a quandary over what to do with his foreign guest. With an enemy in his home, Jojo must confront his nationalistic ideals and learn for himself what truly lies within the people he was born to hate.

  • danseiwa

    Apart from a few problems structurally and tonally, Jojo Rabbit" is near faultlessly helmed by New Zealand native and "Thor: Ragnarok" director, Taika Waititi.

  • danseiwa

    From the often symmetric shot composition to the sumptuous production design, Jojo Rabbit" is the most Wes Anderson-esque film that Wes Anderson didn't direct. It does feel like Waititi is copying a little too hard from time to time, but the distinct whimsical style he employs effortlessly immerses the audience into the satirical world.

  • danseiwa

    Aiding this immersion, Waititi does what he knows best and interweaves comedy with drama as he pokes fun at the Nazis while also using them as a smaller target for his much grander message. That message is of peace and love, which can be authentically found within this story, especially in the interactions between Jojo and Elsa.

  • danseiwa

    A negative side effect of Waititi's fluent directing is that it makes his middling writing stick it like a sore thumb.

  • danseiwa

    His risque plot eventually gets boiled down to a slightly over-simplistic message that isn't able to land its punches as hard as it should. Weirdly, it all feels a little too safe for this kind of setting with these types of characters.