Digimon Adventure: Last Evolut
トーク情報- yakanshichi
yakanshichi When isekai anime was good. And this is by far the BEST anime opening song of all time. Never heard anything as powerful, memorable, spirited, and legendary like this. Still give me chills after 2 decades.
- yakanshichi
yakanshichi I think this is the first confirmation that the Agumon Tai/Kari first met is the same Agumon.
- yakanshichi
yakanshichi No shiet, i've been watching this since i was 12. now i'm freaking 32 y/o lady, but who cares? if there's a butterfly song within that movie, i hope all of us sing a long inside the cinema for our last adventure with them 💪🤟🏻.
- yakanshichi
yakanshichi Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna: https://stream-flick.com/16739.html?utm_source=7gogo_jp