トーク情報- ruenshina
ruenshina Someone mentioned this but that layer of control set by the son is also there for comedic purposes. the dad is portrayed by a very famous actor in Korea while the son is played by a (edit) well-known but less prestigious actor. Korean audiences can immediately recognize this; it's like watching Tom Holland give acting lessons to RDJ.
- ruenshina
ruenshina I love how the meaning behind Parasite is that we are all parasites, feeding off the work of others. From the main family living as parasites in the rich home, to the man in the basement as a literal parasite, to the rich parasitically living on the labour of the working class, everyone is selfishly dependant on other people. Even you are a parasite by using the work of Bong Joon-ho to make money, and I'm a parasite for even daring to analyse this film. Truly a masterpiece and I'm really glad it won Best Picture.