The Matrix
  • gitozosera

    "The Matrix" is my very favorite movie. I have watched it more times than any other movie. In other words it is my all time favorite. My go to. My jam as the kids say.

  • gitozosera

    Why do I like "The Matrix" and its sequels (review at a later date) Well, I don't really know. Something about the plot. The story. The mythology.

  • gitozosera

    That being said, I'll just review my favorite parts (for now anyway. There are several. From the start to the end.

  • gitozosera

    The ominous green falling (raining, scrolling) computer code that hints at something to behold is in store for the eyes as well as the ears.

  • gitozosera

    'Trinity' likes 'Neo. She likes watching him. How long has she been watching him? We get a possible clue from the transmission date. Then when 'Morpheus' explains " The Matrix" to 'Neo' he tells 'Neo' that 'you believes it is the year 1999 when in fact it is closer to 2199'

  • gitozosera

    'Trinity' is scared of agents inside The Matrix at first, but after 'Neo' is freed and he is with her, she isn't anymore because she believes that he is 'The One.

  • gitozosera

    'The One' is a powerful prophesied savior, Jesus reincarnated a possible religious under-layer, of mankind from the enslavement by the artificially intelligent machines being used as an unlimited source of power.