Doctor Sleep:
Doctor Sleep
トーク情報- yakonarika
yakonarika Did we need a sequel to The Shining? Mike Flanagan's Doctor Sleep sure makes a great case for one.
- yakonarika
yakonarika Doctor Sleep follows Danny Torrance after the events of the original film as he tries to lock his fears away with heavy drinking. He gets his life in order thanks to a kindly new friend and that's right when the terror starts to return. Danny isn't the only one with the gift of "the shining" and there are tons of wicked people who are always on the prowl for such people so that they can suck the life force out of them to sustain themselves and live longer than the average mortal.
- yakonarika
yakonarika Soon, Danny begins having a telepathic link to a young girl with similar abilities and they band together to solve a murder and figure out who's responsible.
- yakonarika
yakonarika If you're wondering what this has to do with The Shining, I can't blame you. Tonally, it's so different that you might be wondering where it's going, but the climax at the Overlook Hotel will make it well worth waiting for as several memorable ghosts and ghouls return to wreak havoc.
- yakonarika
yakonarika Performances are fantastic across the board with Ewan McGregor and Rebecca Ferguson making the biggest impact as Danny and the wicked Rose the Hat. New actors have been brought in to bring Wendy, Jack, and Halloran back to life for a few moments and the results are downright uncanny.