
Some may say, the two main characters so easily & neatly fall in love in such a short period of time or that the division between the social classes is exaggerated. But the amazing acting by the long list of talented actors, James Cameron's brilliant direction, Russell Carpenter's elegant cinematography and production designer Peter Lamont's intricate recreation of the ship truly bring the story to life, help us overlook the minor shortcomings and makes us all fall in love with it.

  • yakirikado

    This James Cameron's ambitious venture is a cinematic masterpiece which is easily the most meticulously rendered and relentless disaster movie ever made.

  • yakirikado

    Though it has various clichés and flaws, and may deviate from what actually happened that night, people should remember this it's not a historic or biographic movie; it's a fictional epic love story with the historic setting of the sinking of the Titanic.

  • yakirikado

    Some may say, the two main characters so easily & neatly fall in love in such a short period of time or that the division between the social classes is exaggerated. But the amazing acting by the long list of talented actors, James Cameron's brilliant direction, Russell Carpenter's elegant cinematography and production designer Peter Lamont's intricate recreation of the ship truly bring the story to life, help us overlook the minor shortcomings and makes us all fall in love with it.

  • yakirikado

    Over the years, it's effect on me might have changed. Earlier, it was the disaster and the deaths which affected me. Now, the various characters and their journeys just make me think. Rose, who was bored of meaningless aristocratic life, finds a purpose and new meaning when she meets Jack. With his help, she finally gets the courage to cut her ties from that high-society world. Even after Jack dies, she keeps her promise and explores other fields, becomes an actress, marries, and goes on to live for over 80 years. Jack, who has been to many places studying people and drawing them, meets a complex rich girl and falls for her. Cal Hockley, who is used having whatever he sets his eyes upon, couldn't bare it when he realizes that his fiancée, Rose, is slowly slipping through his hands. In the end, he becomes so frustrated that he even starts shooting at them. There are so many other such interesting characters, from the architect who feels guilty that he wasn't able to design a strong ship and decides to die along with it, the captain who after 26 years of experience feels remorse for not taking his last voyage's ship safely to shore, to the crew member who shoots two people for creating a chaos and finally killing himself not able to bear what he had just done.

  • yakirikado

    And who can forget the last one hour of the film involving the sinking? It has been shot and executed quite brilliantly.

  • yakirikado

    Unfortunately, people love to comment negatively about something good, because they are unable to think for themselves and have a need to be accepted in their 'clique. Many people who loved the movie at one time or another now talk derogatorily about it thinking that it would make them seem cool. FYI, talking crap about a movie like 'Titanic' doesn't make you look cool. It tells a lot about the person or his/her taste in movies.