
I think they waited too late to make this movie. The guys are too old. It's the same old formula that Scorsese used in Goodfellas, but the team just doesn't have the youth or energy to pull it off. They all seem tired, which works for Joe Peace's character because he's supposed to be older, but having deniro run around trying to be a tough guy getting physical with people just didn't work. He reminded me of my dentist. Also, I found the CGI of deniro's face really distracting. It didn't match his body. Either they should have made his body young as well or better yet, introduced a younger actor to play his younger self. I kept waiting for the film to get better, but it didn't. Basically it was a rehashed gangster flick with a factionalized explanation of what happened to Jimmy Hoffa (and they also tell us who killed Kennedy. Don't believe the hype.

The Irishman