トーク情報- yubenyuko
yubenyuko My friends wife wrote this. She's painfully shy, I felt that it was far too good to not have shared with people so that it may inspire someone. As a warning, there are very dark themes. Liam: The world has always been survival of the fittest, seeing as how I am not one of those flesh eating sacks of meat, I would say I am one of the fittest left in this world. I have not always been strong I use to be like those sacks of meat; wandering around no purpose nothing to look forward too. In school..
- yubenyuko
yubenyuko ↡⇓⬇⇓⇓↡⇓⬇▼⬇⇩▼⟱↡↡▼↡▼⇩⇩⇓↓⇓⇩⬇↓⇩⟱⟱⬇⇩⇩