
Whilst I enjoyed the action sequences and added humour from Reynolds, some scenes left me confused. I felt like sometimes I didn't know what was going on. I'll blame that on the poor editing.

6 Underground
  • bekigakure

    Whilst I enjoyed the action sequences and added humour from Reynolds, some scenes left me confused. I felt like sometimes I didn't know what was going on. I'll blame that on the poor editing.

  • bekigakure

    I'll rate it a 7 as it was enjoyable to watch. The actors are great in it and it's also great to see Ben Hardy making his mark.

  • bekigakure

    Seems to be a good action flick with good actors, but why did the green alpha Romeo get sidewiped by a big truck in the beginning, then all the sudden its undamaged right afterwards, which is totally ridiculous that the editors couldn't realize this error.

  • bekigakure

    Oh my, I had such high hopes for this, but what a horrible movie. The characters are enjoyable enough (and the actors do a good job with what they have to work with) but that's about it. The car chase at the beginning is just plain stupid- it's just the same tired Bay schtick for ten long and repetitive minutes. As with much of the action scenes throughout, it's just not enjoyable to watch. If this film is indicative of Michael Bay's "growth" as a director, he might consider doing a romcom next- maybe that will give him a chance to do something original for a change. Two thumbs and two big toes down on this car wreck of a movie.