
Trimagasi- He is a seasoned veteran. He represents the people in our society who were hardened by the system, people who have already experienced it all and just want to survive day by day. These are the people who no longer desire change not because they never wanted it but because they have given up on all hope. He is the one who told Goreng, not to talk to the people below them because they're down below and also not to talk to the people above them because they will not answer him, obviously.

El hoyo
  • yakutsukei

    * SPOILER ALERT: Don't proceed if you haven't seen the movie yet. Watch the movie first, then read my analysis. br>

  • yakutsukei

    This movie just sums it all up about how our society works in the present. There was no random character in this movie, everyone who appeared in the film represents a group of people in our society. In this analysis, I will focus on those characters starting with the main protagonist:

  • yakutsukei

    Goreng- He is an Idealist. He represents the people in our society who dreams of change, he is noble and kind. This is evident when he chose to bring a book (Don Quixote of La Mancha) to The Hole instead of a tool or a weapon. The book he brought was even a representation of himself in the movie. a noble knight.

  • yakutsukei

    The Butler in Level 0- He is the administration, the government. He represents the people in power, the world leaders. He is in control of everything. He meticulously inspects all the dishes being served in the platform, he will not allow any imperfection get away like the single strand of hair he found in the Panna Cotta. He is all about the food presentation, but he does not really care about how far out his dishes will serve the people in the lower levels. Is he even aware that only the people on the higher levels are benefiting from what he serves? Does he only serve the elite. the wealthy 1%

  • yakutsukei

    Trimagasi- He is a seasoned veteran. He represents the people in our society who were hardened by the system, people who have already experienced it all and just want to survive day by day. These are the people who no longer desire change not because they never wanted it but because they have given up on all hope. He is the one who told Goreng, not to talk to the people below them because they're down below and also not to talk to the people above them because they will not answer him, obviously.

  • yakutsukei

    Imoguiri- She is a part of the administration. She worked all her life for the system but she has not really experienced it first-hand. She thinks she knows how the system work but we found out in the movie that she was all wrong. She thought that the Hole has only 200 levels but there were 333 levels in total. She thought that the administration was not letting minors inside the Hole but we found out in the end that a child was in fact in level 333.

  • yakutsukei

    Baharat- He is a hard-working citizen, the working class. These are the people who aspire for success their whole lives, they work so hard to reach the top of the social ladder but the people higher than them will never allow them to reach their goal because they pose as a threat to their own positions. This was shown in the film when Baharat begged the couple in level 5 to help him climb up; the couple made him believe they were going to help him but they defecated on his face instead.

  • yakutsukei

    Wise Man in a wheelchair- He is a teacher. He represents the people working in our education system. These are the people who prepare us on how to deal with society, they teach us to be civilized in the modern world. The wise man told Baharat to do a dialogue with the prisoners first before he shows them any aggression but he soon realizes that being aggressive works better.

  • yakutsukei

    Miharu- She is a parent. She represents the loving parents in our society who would do anything in order for their children to survive. She may appear vicious in the film, but she was only doing what was necessary for her child to survive.