Angel Has Fallen
  • dzumaigan

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  • dzumaigan

    Angel Has Fallen is the third instalment of the secret service agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) and the former Speaker/Vice President Trumbull (Morgan Freeman) is now the President and yet again Banning is thrown into a major crisis - this time being accused of an assassination attempt of the President?

  • dzumaigan

    Obviously Gerard Butler is getting older and so is his character in the movie, but this is part of the story so those who complain that he's to old to be a bodyguard misses the plot.

  • dzumaigan

    None of the movies in the trilogy are made to win any Oscars, nor do we expect them to, because they are full fledged action movies - and pretty damn good ones too!

  • dzumaigan

    However, Angel Has Fallen lacks somewhat in the story department compared to the two previous instalments, where I feel they've had much more involved and detailed stories whereas this one is more or less just one single thread throughout the whole movie. No side plots/tracks at all apart from a minor FBI investigation that's sadly cut short.

  • dzumaigan

    One huge negative is that the wife of Mike Banning, Leah, is replaced by Piper Perabo. I don't know why they couldn't get Radha Mitchell for this one as well, but even if it's a minor role it never works replacing established characters. br>