The Lord of the Rings: The Fel
  • funsairu

    The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship in english Found here The Lord of the Rings: The. Looking THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING.

  • funsairu

    I wrote a review for Towers in which I said it caused violence in children. To be fair, Fellowship is less graphic and the whole part with the elves was very comforting. If you can sit down with your kids and get through this without any problems, I advise you to wait out the next installment until after they go to bed. There is way more than orcs in the next movie.

  • funsairu

    I want to see the reaction of a company reading someones resume and seeing Elvish as a spoken language.

  • funsairu

    When I finished the last lord of the rings movie I was watching on my laptop in my room and i was crying and my mom walked in. I already read the books before that but I didint get the full feeling of sadness when they left in the books compared to the movies.

  • funsairu

    The way Gandalf says Good gracious me. among many other lines of dialogue in this scene always remind me what made this movie so great.

  • funsairu

    What a good place it would be to retire! Good old fashioned gardening, chess playing, hanging out with friends of old, and best of all, watching innocent kids running and playing and laughing.

  • funsairu

    Why do all of the gunshots sound like stereo-typical suppressed gunshots when they are clearly suppressed.