


  1. #ボヘミアンラプソディ
  2. #荒野行動
  3. #テレビ朝日
  4. #関ジャム
  5. #フレディーマーキュリー
  6. #おすすめ映画
  1. jikikakuba

    The first episode of Reddit's Drag Race: Season 1 Remastered is finally here. While there were MTQs in the comments below, let's have a better look at out queens, shall we? --- Our first queen is new to the RDR scene. With a hometown flair like no other and rudemption storyline just waiting to happen, please welcome— #QUEEN #1: Anita Dragname!.. ORIGINALLY: 14th Place.. For her promo lewk, Anita is a mad witch in the 1800s who was caught for her witchcraft-y ways, with the vil..