  • nakusugoe

    The movie opens with a teaser scene at a seaside Japanese castle and we know we'll return to this scene (bookends) at the end of the film, 2 and 1/2 hours later. This period of time is not unlike swimming underwater from one end of a pool (opening scene) to the other end of the pool (return to same scene. Sure the pool has some heavy orchestra music pumped into it, that by film's end becomes a croaking brass band that you're not sure is a surface foghorn or a submarine's dive warning, but you're never given a break from the plot/action to catch your breath and acquaint yourself with the characters.

  • nakusugoe

    The "mysteries" about Leo's wife are not difficult to figure out, but why he is so devoted to this pseudo-serial killer is.

  • nakusugoe

    I found Leo's status as an internationally most-wanted fugitive hard to swallow, as well as Watanabe's omnipotence.

  • nakusugoe

    And I can't be the only one that had trouble understanding Watanabe when his face was in the carpeting or when he was talking to the French actor. Strong accents.

  • nakusugoe

    I had to come up for air after the 1 hour mark because that level of intensity isn't sustainable and I only occasionally dipped my head beneath the surface for short periods, thereafter.