トーク情報- shirokusan
shirokusan Three days worth of food in stores... I doubt it will even take 3 days. If a emergency or a huge disaster happens store owners will most probably barricade their families into the stores and eat everything on the store shelves themselves. Farmers and cat lovers on the other hand will be just fine...
- shirokusan
shirokusan As a progressive male of 2019, I can use my tampoon to sop up my tears from the scenes where they miss each other.
- shirokusan
shirokusan Yeah, this movie may be somewhat a remix and rehash of other movies, but. I laughed so hard it was awesome.
- shirokusan
shirokusan The acting is STUpendous. Action scenes are very believably acted out and choreopgraphed. Stunts amaaaaazing. The writing is top gear all the way. (I don't think the Vet deserved to meet his demise, but that's just my take on that particular instance.)
- shirokusan
shirokusan The guy from "Guardians of the Galaxy" is terrific. Can't wait to see him in another film.