The Recall
  • yukuberika

    My wife, Faye, has an undiagnosed sleep disorder. I knew about it long before the events up on Pike’s Peak. When we first started dating, she recounted a few of her memories of sleepwalking at a young age, and one of them always sticks out in my mind. When she was a child, she climbed out of bed and crawled across the floor, growling like a rabid dog, and hid in the darkness while her older sister watched late night TV. Faye watched her for several minutes, fixated on her sister's throat, then s..

  • yukuberika

    President Jacob Zuma's suitability to lead was debated at length over the last days during the ANC NEC meeting, which ultimately chose to support the president..

  • yukuberika

    **This link takes you to all past /r/worldnews sticky posts: **UKRAINE** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **NEW LIVE UPDATE REDDIT FEATURE** ampgt;* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ampgt..