Whisper 3
トーク情報- zootetsuka
zootetsuka [p]: [f]: [w]: [y]: [n]: [Previous] [p] | [First] [f] | [Next] [n] \----- A/N: Got some down time today, staring at some beautiful mountains and decided you all deserve a chapter. Honestly..
- zootetsuka
zootetsuka Here's all the little events that have happened during the stream so far. (Whisper guy, thumbs up, etc.)
- zootetsuka
zootetsuka I was never one to believe in bad luck, or curses, or voodoo, but when a mysterious man showed up one night for dinner at the Applebee’s where I was a waiter, I couldn’t help but wonder. It was a Thursday night and I had just started my evening shift. Tammy, a 40-something waitress who wore the tightest tops they sold at Walmart and smoked menthols on her breaks, was complaining about a family of four who had only left her a 10amp#37; tip. “Those little shits dropped French fries all over t..
- zootetsuka
zootetsuka ↡↓↡↓↡↓↡↓↡↓↡↓↡↓↡↓↡↓↡↓↡↓↡↓↡↓↡↓
Whisper 3: https://gowwwurl.com/moviesall?source=7gogo_jp&se=2018_08_05&keyword=Whisper+3